VA-BC® Training Center and the National Vascular Access Education Society come together to provide the VA-BC® training to ensure licensed healthcare individuals attain safe, elevated care to provide outstanding care to patients globally.
From healthcare professionals who want to be excellent in their field in the areas of vascular access and infusion to healthcare administrators and owners of businesses in vascular access, our association supports a community who strives for excellence.
For over 30 years our caring healthcare professionals have been working with patients understanding their needs and concerns. The VA-BC® training center helps provides healthcare professionals with a nursing license and/or doctors licenses the opportunity to learn and grow in the field of healthcare and vascular access so they can continue to be safe providers.
Our training center provides both onsite and online accessible training for licensed healthcare professionals looking to have tutorial guidance for understanding placement and maintenance in vascular access procedures.
Our professional team of training and testing experts in healthcare, consists of doctors, nurses, administrators and healthcare advocates who have been sharing the message of necessary excellence in the vascular access industry for over 30 years.
In addition to our training, we consider our association which promotes public awareness of vascular access and infusion therapy to be the finest in the industry.
VA-BC® Training Center Mission Statement:
To provide an exceptional level of education, teaching and testing that will elevate the world in the placement of piccs, midlines, peripheral iv’s. To be world-wide, astounding advocates for both healthcare providers placing lines and patients who want the best care available. To provide an association that is celebrated and enjoyed globally for emergent, impactful, responsible healthcare information for professionals and patients who seek hopeful change that matters. Together with the National Vascular Access Education Society, we believe we will make a global impact.
The education and training you will receive here we feel will be second to none. We are not part of any paid endorsement to promote or advocate a certain protocol of care. Our standards for education and training is based on documented science that is relevant to the protection of patients and reducing infection and death rates globally.
Our educators, teachers and supporters are known globally as experts in their given area of expertise. They know the day to day operations and the high level executives roles. Our education and teaching style helps us to stop confusion and gain respect and value for each healthcare professional in their given role. We are the bridge into working together.
Patient advocacy is part of our mission along with bridging that with healthcare workers who treasure that opportunity.
VA-BC® Association is for registered nurses only. Our mission is to promote public awareness of vascular access and infusion therapy. Benefits Include:
Healthcare workers coming together to ensure safe treatment and less infection rates globally, protecting and saving lives.
In promoting public awareness of vascular access and infusion therapy we increase and bridge the gap within patient and the healthcare communication.
Visits By Appointment Only:
VA-BC® Training Center, LLC 16853 E Palisades Blvd – Suite 101 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
The VA-BC® endorsement program with the VA-BC® Training Center, LLC and the National Vascular Access Education Society celebrate the importance of the highest standards, quality, in continuing education for licensed nurses and doctors in the filed of vascular access. We provide skill based competency programs that are aligned with the world’s accredited organizations for knowledge and skills to help improve levels of care and patient results.
VA-BC® Training and VA-BC® Board Certification Program with VA-BC Training Center, LLC and National Vascular Access Education Society enables nurses and doctors to demonstrate their specialty expertise and validate their knowledge to employers and patients. Through targeted exams that incorporate the latest nursing-practice standards, our VA-BC® certification empowers both nurses and doctors with pride and professional satisfaction.
The goal of the VA-BC® Training Center, LLC is to educate, provide skills-based competency programs, that demonstrate safe placement of lines for all licensed individuals with approval from governing states and licensing boards to place vascular access lines. Our goal is to enhance and increase education around vascular access as a whole to anyone licensed to place vascular access lines and to keep the competency at the highest level possible in addition to passing VA-BC® certification and knowing how to place lines. Knowledge, never ends.
Who would of ever guessed that back in 2010 from a segment featured on an affiliate station, and decades of hard work and growth that in 2024-2025 we would have been sponsored to officially launch “Own Your Own Vascular Access Franchise.” This is a specialized class and the financial investment to attend and be considered has to meet certain criteria for application approval. So every individual must apply.
This is only available at this time for individuals who currently live in the states shown below for a period of 3 or more years and who are serious and want to open a franchise location with our VA-BC® Training Center, company sponsor in one of these states.
We just opened this for opportunity for professional healthcare individuals who reside and want to open a franchise and get support in the states of Florida, Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska, Texas, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan.
All other states not shown on this list have already been secured or taken, but you are welcome to be placed on a list if territories open at a later time.
Nurses, Doctors and Healthcare Experts Agree, We Are Doing The Necessary Work To Protect Patients & Standards
Enroll In The Celebrated “VA-BC® Training Center” in Fountain Hills, Arizona, For VA-BC® Hands On Training, PICC Placement, Midlines, Peripheral IV’s, Residency Programs and VA-BC® Board Certification Testing that elevates your professional license.
We offer partnership accommodations with hotels throughout the city when you register for our one-to-one vascular access education programs and residency training programs.
VA-BC® Training Center, LLC. 16853 E Palisades Blvd- Suite 101- Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 – Phone (480)571-7391
Copyright ©2012 Help Motivate Me, LLC, Copyright ©2024 VA-BC, LLC, Copyright ©2022 VA-BC Training Center, LLC (Featured on CBS Television) VA-BC® is a registered trademark of VA-BC Training Center, LLC Arizona